Act Of 1945
Act of 1945OpeningThat real freedom is the right of all nations and byTherefore, the occupation in the world must be abolished, becausenot in accordance with peri-peri-humanity and justice.And the struggle for Indonesian independence movement has arrived tothe happy people safely deliver SentausaFore the gates of Indonesia Indonesia is the country's independenceindependent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous.Upon the grace of Almighty Allah and with pushing it bynoble desire, to be free Bohemian nationality, thenthe people of Indonesia hereby declare their independence.Then than it is to form a State GovernmentIndonesia which shall protect all the Indonesian people and the entire spillblood Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, to educatelife of the nation, and participate in the establishment of world orderbased on freedom, abiding peace and social justice, thenIndonesia's National Independence drafted in aLaws of the State of Indonesia, which is formed in acomposition of the sovereign Republic of Indonesia people withbased upon: Belief in God Almighty, humanity that is fair andcivilized, the unity of Indonesia, and led by the wisdom Kerakyatamwisdom in deliberation / representatives and therealization of social justice for all Indonesian people.Chapter IForm and SovereigntyArticle 1(1) of the Unitary State of Indonesia is a Republican form of government.(2) Sovereignty is in the hands of the people, and performed entirely byPeople's Consultative Assembly.Chapter IIPeople's Consultative AssemblyArticle 2(1) People's Consultative Assembly made up of members of the BoardRepresentatives plus delegates from regions andthe factions according to the rules established by the Act.(2) People's Consultative Assembly convenes at least once infive years at the State Capital.(3) Any decision of the People's Consultative Assembly established thesura of the mostArticle 3The MPR set of the Constitution andthe outlines of the bow rather than the State.Chapter IIIThe Executive PowerArticle 4(1) the President of the Republic of Indonesia holds the power of governmentaccording to the Constitution.(2) In exercising his duties, the president is assisted by one personVice President.Article 5(1) the President holds the power to make laws withapproval of the House of Representatives.(2) The President shall determine the Government Regulations for runningThe law as it should.Article 6(1) The President shall be Indonesia(2) The president and vice president elected by the AssemblyThe people with the most votes.Article 7President and Vice President shall hold office for a period of five yearsand thereafter may be re-elected.Article 8Should the President die, resign or be unable to performduties during his tenure, he was replaced by Vice Presidentuntil it expires.Article 9Before taking office, the President and Vice President swornaccording to religion, or promise solemnly before the AssemblyConsultative Assembly or House of Representatives as follows:Oath of President (Vice President):"By Allah, I swear that I will fulfill the duties of the President of the RepublicIndonesia (Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia) as well as possibleand fairly as possible, uphold the Constitution and runall Laws and Regulations with the broadest anddevoted to Nusa and the Nation. "The promise of the President (Vice President):"I solemnly promise will perform the duties of PresidentRepublic of Indonesia (Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia) withthe best and fairest, uphold the Constitutionand run all the Act and Regulations withthe broadest and Nusa and devotion to the Nation.Article 10President holds supreme power over the Army, NavySea and Air Force.Article 11President with the approval of Parliament to declare war,make peace and agreement with other countries.Article 12The President declared a state of bahaya.Syarat-terms and consequently the statehazards defined by the Act.Article 13(1) The President appoints ambassadors and consuls.(2) The President receives the Ambassadors of other countries.Article 14President grants pardon, amnesty, pardon and restoration.Article 15President gives the carpet, decorations and other honors.Chapter IVSupreme Advisory CouncilArticle 16(1) The composition of the Supreme Advisory Council established dengnan Act.(2) The Council is obliged to reply to a question the President andentitled to submit proposals to pemerinta.Chapter VMinistry of StateArticle 17(1) the president is assisted by Ministers of State.(2) The ministers shall be appointed and dismissed by the President(3) Ministers shall head the Department of Administration.Chapter VILocal GovernmentArticle 18Regional distribution of the local large and small, with a form of arrangementgovernment established by law with the view andconsidering the basis of deliberation in the trial of State and Governmentthe rights of its origins in the regions that are Parties.Chapter VIIHouse of RepresentativesArticle 19(1) The composition of the House of Representatives established by the Act.(2) House of Representatives convenes at least once a year.Article 20(1) Every law requires the approval of the House of RepresentativesPeople(2) If a draft law does not get approvalHouse of Representatives, the draft had not moved forwardagain in the House of Representatives hearing that period.Article 21(1) The members of the House of Representatives is entitled tothe draft Law.(2) If the draft, although approved by the House of RepresentativesThe people, not authorized by the President, the draft was notbrought forward in the House of Representatives hearing that period.Article 22(1) In matters of urgency that force, the President has the rightstipulate Government Regulation as Substitute Act.(2) that government regulation must be approved by the BoardRepresentatives in the next trial.(3) If not approved by the Rules Governing theshould be revoked.Chapter VIIIFinance ItArticle 23(1) Budget set annually byLegislation. If Parliament does not approveThe proposed budget of the Government, the Government is runningbudget year ago.(2) Any state tax purposes under the Act.(3) Types and rates of currency are prescribed by law.(4) It shall be regulated by the State Finance Law.(5) To examine the financial responsibility of the state heldthe State Audit Board, the rules set byLegislation.This examination was notified to the House of Representatives.Chapter IXJudicial PowerArticle 24(1) conducted by the Judicial Authority and the Great sebuahMahkamahOther Justice Board under the Act.(2) The composition and powers of Justice agencies were set upLegislation.Article 25The terms to be dismissed as a judge and tostipulated by law.Chapter XCitizenArticle 26(1) That a citizen of one's native Indonesia Nationand those other nations that ratified the Act asCitizens.(2) The requirements are determined by the citizenshipLegislation.Article 27(1) All citizens be equal before the law andGovernment and shall uphold the Law and Governance withno exception.(2) Every citizen has the right to work and tohuman dignity.Article 28Freedom of association and assembly, of expression byoral and written and set forth by law.Chapter XIReligionArticle 29(1) the State based on the Belief in God Almighty(2) The State guarantees the independence of each resident to embracerespective religion and to worship according to their religion andbelief.Chapter XIINational DefenceArticle 30(1) Every citizen has the right and duty to participate in businessdefense of the State(2) The terms of the plea shall be regulated by law.Chapter XIIIEducationArticle 31(1) Every citizen is entitled to instruction(2) The Government shall establish and conduct a systemnational teaching, which is regulated by the Act.Article 32Government of Indonesia to promote national culture.Chapter XIVSocial welfareArticle 33(1) The economy is structured as a joint effort based on the principlefamily.(2) Branches of production which is important for the State and a masterwelfare of the majority ruled hudup intent crowd controlledby State(3) Earth and water and natural resources contained in dalammyacontrolled by the State and used for the maximumprosperity of the people.Article 34The poor and neglected children maintained by the State.Chapter XVFlag and LanguageArticle 35State flag of Indonesia was the Red and White.Article 36State language is Indonesian.Chapter XVIChanges in ConstitutionArticle 37(1) To change the Constitution at least 2/3 rather thannumber of members of the People's Consultative Assembly must be present.(2). Decisions taken with the approval of at least 2/3than the number of members present.Transitional RulesArticle IPreparatory Committee for Indonesia's Independence shall arrange and conductkepidahan Government to the Government of Indonesia.Article IIAny state agency and the existing regulations are directly applicable,has not been held for a new under this Basic Law.Article IIIFor the first time, the President and Vice President shall be elected by the CommitteePreparation of Indonesian Independence Independence.Article IVBefore the People's Consultative Assembly and the Supreme Advisory Councilestablished by this Constitution, all powersexecuted by the President with the help of the National Committee.Additional rules(1) Within six months after the last war of Greater East Asia,President of Indonesia set up and organize everythingspecified in this Constitution.(2) Within six months after the People's Consultative Assembly was formed,Assembly was convened to establish the Constitution.
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